2009年3月6日 星期五


台灣失業率創新高,美國失業率也十分慘。連CNN也在《找工作、忽略前景黯淡的新聞》(To find a job, ignore doom-and-gloom news, experts say) 一文裡引述就業專家說,忘記那些不好的數字,專心在自己的就業搜尋上。現在要盡量找穩定的工作,教育、醫療、政府工作都還有相當多職缺,就業穩定也是比較適合的選擇。(看來台灣和美國的狀況沒有差多少。)雖然現在市場上減少了很多工作,但仔細思考人的需求是什麼,就還是可以找到工作。以上這句話乍聽很有道理,但文章接下來舉的例子讓我很傻眼,他說現在大家錢包縮水,買車需求降低,汽車經銷商生意難做,但也因為換車需求降低,大家會希望原來的車子可以開久一點,所以汽車維修工人的需求就上升了。(For example, a glance at an auto dealership might show that business is dead. But car mechanics probably are busy behind the scenes.)




"Conditions will likely get worse before they get better," he said, noting that unemployment is expected to rise into 2010.

In such a competitive environment, Challenger said, it's important for each job seeker to make his or her search unique.

"Always focus on your core skills. You are really defined by your function, not your industry," he said.

It also may help to use a bit of common sense, he said.

Look to industries that you think everyone would need, even when their budgets have shrunk.


  • note: 指出
  • common sense: 常識
  • look to: 期望
  • shrunk: shrink的過去分詞,shrink: 縮減


狀況很有可能在變好之前變更糟。(知名就業安置(job placement)及顧問公司,Challenger, Gray & Christmas執行長)Challenger指出失業率預計會在2010年上升。在這樣一個競爭的環境裡,每一個尋求工作者都要讓他或她的求職經歷獨一無二,他說:「永遠據焦在你的核心技能上。你是由你能發揮的功能定義的,而不是由你待過的產業。」 用一點常識也會有幫助。你要期望的產業是你認為每個人都需要的產業,僅管他們的預算已經縮減了。
