2008年3月15日 星期六


A. Sentence Completion

1. Their religious _________ prevented them from taking up arms.

A. bigamy

B. parole

C. sentence

D. conviction

2. As DV is becoming more popular with people, video movie-making can quickly become _________.

A. dedicated

B. addictive

C. dictatorial

D. contradicted

3. I told the supervisor it was a lousy idea, but I was _________.

A. overruled

B. sustained

C. witnessed

D. perjured

4. Five people are to stand _________ for murder.

A. trial

B. bail

C. acquittal

D. plea

5. Political leaders united yesterday to _________ the latest wave of violence.

A. capitalize

B. appeal

C. condemn

D. decapitate

6. He _________ the Protestant faith and became a Buddhist last year.

A. adjured

B. abjured

C. perjured

D. juried

7. He was on his way to the airport when his car was held up and he was _________ by four gunmen.

A. deducted

B. seduced

C. abducted

D. induced

8. Several eyewitnesses _________ that they saw the officers hit Mary in the face.

A. judged

B. testified

C. prosecuted

D. paralyzed

9. He appeared hardly _________ of conducting a coherent conversation, and the whole meeting was interrupted by different parties.

A. captive

B. acceptable

C. capacity

D. capable

10. Evidence shows people are more and more satisfied with their life. A survey of retired people has _________ that most are independent and enjoying life.

A. indicated

B. dictated

C. appealed

D. condemned

B. Answer Key

1-5: DBAAC

6-10: BCBDA
