2007年9月5日 星期三

iBT閱讀A版 week 8 投影片

TOEFL IBT Reading week 8
Email: silver_birch_tw@yahoo.com

1. approaches to understand aggressive behavior.
2. biological


3. offshoot: sociobiology: aggression is natural & desirable
4. X
5. psychodynamic
6. prevent: encourage less harmful aggression
7. cognitive
8. bad events  bad feelings  aggressive action, but X automatically

 instinctive
 inborn
 automatic
 innate
 involuntary
 intuitive

plic, plex, ply = fold, weave, tangle
 complex
 complicate
 complexion
 employ
 replicate
 replica
 deploy
 explicate
 explicit
 exploit
 imply
 perplex

 subsequent
 following
 succeeding
 successive
 ensuing
 consecutive
 successive
 succeeding
 sequential
 in sequence
 in turn

 mercy killing
 euthanasia

… “steam engines.” By holding in rather than venting “steam,” we set the stage for future explosions. Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets.
 held back
 suppressed
 repressed
 bottled up
 curbed

press = 壓
 repress
 suppress
 depress
 depression
 pressure
 compress

 express
 impress
 oppress

mand, mend = order, entrust
 demand
 demanding
 amend
 amendment
 mandatory
 command
 commend
 recommend

For example, people who believe that aggression is necessary and justified – as during wartime – are likely to act aggressively, whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who think that aggression is never justified, are less likely to behave aggressively.

According to Freud, however, impulses that have been represses continue to exist and demand expression.

man, main = 手
 manufacture
 maneuver
 emancipate
 manage
 management
 manifest
 manipulate
 manuscript
Artisans and Industrialization
1. before 1815: artisans
2. X factories (industrialization)
3. factory
4. 1st works didn’t suit well
5. Works: organized to protect rights and life (union)
6. workers divided by ethnic and racial antagonisms……….

 trade
 commerce
 barter
 transactions
 trade
 job
 craft
 occupation
 métier

 give way to
 give in
 yield
 surrender
 relinquish

 stimulate
 arouse
 encourage
 impel
 incite
 spur

Apprentices were considered part of the family, and masters were responsible not only for teaching their apprentices a trade but also for providing them some education and for supervising their moral behavior.

 discard
 get rid of
 abandon
 cast aside
 dispense with
 dispose of

The labor movement gathered some momentum in the decade before the Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labor’s strength collapsed.

This new form of manufacturing depended on the movement of goods to distant locations and a centralized source of laborers.

Swimming machines
1. Some fish swim continuously.
2. adapt to reduce water drag
3. Streamlining: art form
4. adapt to improve hydrodynamics
5. A: keels & finlets near the tail
let = 小
 finlet
 booklet
 leaflet
 piglet

Swimming machines
1. Some fish swim continuously.
2. adapt to reduce water drag
3. Streamlining: art form
4. adapt to improve hydrodynamics
5. A: keels & finlets near the tail
Swimming machines
1. Some fish swim continuously.
2. adapt to reduce water drag
3. Streamlining: art form
4. adapt to improve hydrodynamics
5. A: keels & finlets near the tail

One potential problem is that opening the mouth to breathe detracts from the streamlining of these fishes and tends to slow them down.
Swimming machines
1. Some fish swim continuously.
2. adapt to reduce water drag
3. Streamlining: art form
4. adapt to improve hydrodynamics
5. A: keels & finlets near the tail
