2007年12月5日 星期三

IBT 托福閱讀 B版 week 5

IBT 托福閱讀 B版 week 5
老師email: silver_birch_tw@yahoo.com
Simplification Q.
 choose the essential meaning
 never more than one Q.

 Which of the following best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning
in important ways or leave out essential information.
 S, V
 pronoun
 signal words

 danger
 risk
 hazard
 jeopardy
 quicker and cheaper
 compromise and understanding
 further cooperation
 solve problems faster
 bitter
 acrimonious
 tie up the process
 a tyranny of the minority

Furthermore, mediation represses or denies certain irreconcilable
structural conflicts, giving the impression of equality between
disputants when none really exists.
 tie up the process
 a tyranny of the minority
 no equality
 unfair outcomes

One problem with the standard compound microscope is an issue with the
depth of field the mechanism is capable of revealing.

Depth of field is the visible zone of acceptable sharpness of the
study object and a limited depth of field makes viewing anything but
extremely flat objects with a standard compound microscope terribly

Although, since magnification and depth of field are inversely
related, these microscopes are limited to a mere 100X magnification,
they are extremely useful.
 opposite
 contrary
 converse
 reverse
of note
 of consequence
 very important
 worth mentioning
 well-known
 provided that
 providing
 as long as

Classical mechanics deals with the motion of objects provided they are
not moving extremely fast (discussed in the theory of relativity) or
not extremely small (discussed in the theory of quantum mechanics.)

With such divergent physical results for particles at the quantum
level, a new branch of physics, quantum mechanics, opened and it has
become one of the major theories for today's physicists.
 huge
 enormous
 colossal
 gigantic
 extensive

Hunter-gather societies tend to be mobile as they are reliant on a
given natural environment to provide sufficient resources in order to
sustain their population.

The idea of "I Ching" greatly attracted Cunningham, which furthered
him to create a work named "Untitled Solo." In this dance, Cunningham
created a series of movements written on scraps of paper for the legs
and the arms. These movements were then performed in a quasi-random
fashion with the music, but not to the music.

 Cunningham listened to I-Ching first, and then choreographed in a
semi-random order to the music in Untitled Solo.
 Cunningham listened to Untitled Solo first, and then choreographed
in a semi-random order according to I-Ching's indications on legs and

 Influenced by I-Ching, the choreography in Untitled Solo, scraped by
Cunningham responded to the music in a semi-random order.
 In Untitled Solo, inspired by I-Ching, Cunningham choreographed
movements responded with the music in a semi-random order.
Asexual Reproduction
 only one parent, definition
 rare in multicellular organisms; why?
 consequence
 species having asexual reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
 only one parent, definition
 rare in multicellular organisms; why?

 consequence
 species having asexual reproduction

Many forms of asexual reproduction, for example budding or
fragmentation, produce an exact replica of the parent.
 developing
 beginning
 embryonic
 burgeoning
 duplicate
 facsimile
 reproduction

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an
ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. For example, the
freshwater crustacean Daphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the
spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction
as the intensity of competition and predation increases.

Progenitors may not always be defined with one particular reproduction method.
Asexual Reproduction
 only one parent, definition
 rare in multicellular organisms; why?

 consequence
 species having asexual reproduction
 a mammal, Chiroptera
 mistaken for others
 megachiroptera / microchiroptera
 flexible finger bones
 not all are nocturnal

 insectivore
 herbivore
 carnivore
 carnival


There are several distinct differences between these suborders, and it
is believed by some that microbats are the original bats, while
megabats evolved from them independently through parallel evolution.

 horrific
 ghastly
 grisly

 The social behaviors of bats also vary greatly. Some bats live a
solitary lifestyle while others live in a cave among other bats and
the number of the bats in the same cave could be as great as one

 The separation is necessary for echolocation to function correctly.
