2007年11月29日 星期四

IBT 托福閱讀 B版 week 4

IBT 托福閱讀 B版 week 4
老師email: silver_birch_tw@yahoo.com
Inference Q.
 strongly implied, but not explicitly stated
 logical implications
 answer X contradict the main idea
 must be inferable from the passage
 explicitly stated information leads to the inference

 Which of the following can be inferred about X?
 The author of the passage implied that X…..
 Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?

Valuable studies have also been made into the glacier activity on the continent, providing scientists with the best available picture of the probable appearance of northern North America during the last ice age.

The introduction of child labor laws in the early twentieth century meant that children entered the work force at a much later age.

 millennium
 millenniums
 millennia

 equinox
 nocturnal
 diurnal
 crepuscular

Rhetoric Q.
 ask you why the author has presented a particular piece of information in a particular place or manner
 ask you how on paragraph relates to another
 why the author mentions a particular piece of information or quotes a certain person

 The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to…..
 Why does the author mention X?
 The author uses X as an example of…..
 familiar with signal words
 focus on the logical links between sentences and paragraphs

 none other than
 no other than

Why does the author mention Mississippians in this paragraph?
 to give an example to greet the first European explorers.
 to identify the people whose culture dominated there.
 to refute the previous statement that ancient people greeted the first European explorers.
 to emphasize how greatly ancient people’s culture succeeded.
Why does the author mention baseball caps and trash can lids?
 to give an example of Ospreys’ intelligence to use discarded items to build their nests.
 to support Ospreys’ abilities to live in modern urban surroundings.
 to refute Osprey’s habit of using man-made objects.
 to emphasize how environmentally friendly Ospreys’ nests are.

…they expressed mixtures of human and animal characteristics, representing humanity’s affinity with the forces of nature.
Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
 Intro
 Inner/terrestrial planets
 outer/gas giants/Jovian planets
4.Jovian’s common features
5. compared: inner closer to the Sun
6. Dwarf planet, Pluto

 chart (n.)
 table
 diagram
 chart (v.)
 delineate
 plot
 draft
 sketch

 satellite 衛星
 planet 行星
 asteroid 小行星
(minor planet, planetoid)
 comet 彗星
 meteor 流星

 derive from
 originate from
 arise out of/ from
 stem from

They all have a central metallic core, which is mostly iron, with a surrounding silicate mantle.
The moon shares similar structures but lacks the iron core.

 methane
 mantle
 mental

 particle
 a bit
 a mite
 a scrap of
 a speck of
 a jot

 propagate
 reproduce
 breed
 multiply
 propagate
 spread
 circulate
 disseminate
 promote
 promulgate

Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
 Intro
 Inner/terrestrial planets
 outer/gas giants/Jovian planets
4.Jovian’s common features
5. compared: inner closer to the Sun
6. Dwarf planet, Pluto
Natural Gas
 advantages
 How to from natural gas: 3 theories
 belong to one of the 4 groups
 usage in the 1800s.
 store & transport  difficulty
 environmental friendly comparatively

 decompose
 rot
 decay
 putrefy

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, thousands of miles of pipelines were built in the United States, creating an enormous pipeline network that, laid end-to-end, would stretch to the moon and back twice.

 hurdle
 obstacle
 hindrance
 impediment
 stumbling block

It took another 50 years before natural gas became widely available for consumer use.
Natural Gas
 advantages
 How to from natural gas: 3 theories
 belong to one of the 4 groups
 usage in the 1800s.
 store & transport  difficulty
 environmental friendly comparatively
